Sunday, 22 March 2020

परिवर्तन संगोष्टी 7& 8 दिसंबर 2019


परिवर्तन संगोष्टी 7&8 दिसंबर 2019

1. Normal wagon be utilised for guard brake van after modification, can be put either side so that no shunting is needed for restart of the train.
2. Vigilance cases and chargesheets be finalised quickly. It is like having a limped person in the team who reduces speed of the team.
3. Senior officers who do not take timely decisions cause more damage to the organisation. Therefore 33 years of max. service should be implemented.
4. Allowing people draw salary without due work is a definite form of corruption. In PUs and workshops, staff do not work full time. Allowed time for activities are defective. Strong administrative action is required to be taken.
5  DRM is a key functional post, age criterion be removed as large no. of officers entering at later age get disheartened from the beginning of their carrier knowing that they will not be elevated to this post. Only competent persons be posted as DRMs, people who learn for two years must not be posted.
6. Costing should be improved and offices be made aware of their costs like bill of electricity.
7. Cost of all the concessions be worked out and railways should keep reviewing them.
8. MST and passenger tickets be made realistic, we are charging very less as compared to state govt buses for the same destinations.
9. Poor implementation is principal cause of concern in Railways. We are very sluggish in implementing the ideas and decisions.
10. Rolling Stock Department be allowed to take care of Coaching stock upto divisional level, still confusion is there in the divisions.
11. Permanent speed restrictions must be reduced to minimum in nos. in new projects even allowing the cost to go up and existing lines by making judicious investments.
12. We must increase average speed of goods trains, this will reduce holding, requirement of wagon maintenance, save path. Goods sheds must be modernized to reduce detention to freight rakes, customers uses our wagons as godowns by paying very less amout as demurrage charges.
13. Detention of freight trains must be monitored cause wise and due c/p actions be taken to improve the situation. There should not be unnecessary detention at interchange points.
14. Busy routes, track should remain unoccupied for the minimum time, provide automatic signalling etc.
15. Ticket checking - use of technology, do not let the passengers board the train without valid tickets. Use of rfid or some other technology be used at the entry itself.
16. Platforms of the stations be sealed from all the sides, no one should enter without valid ticket like airports.
17. Cost of loss due to detention to trains must be worked out and reviewed periodically, departments be made aware of the same.
18. New trains are being introduced without proper publicity leading to total loss of earnings for many initial trips.
19. Assets being created must not have long time for locked up capital. RE projects not being utilised for more than 2 years. Also sidings must be electrified simultaneously with the section otherwise change of traction will keep causing detention to freight trains.

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